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The contents of this website are of a general nature only and may be liable to misinterpretation by users in particular circumstances. You should not act only on the basis of information obtained from this website because changes to the law can occur quickly.

Before acting on any of the contents of this website please obtain advice from McKean Park.

We make no representation as to the quality or accuracy of any information appearing on the sites linked from or to the McKean Park website, or to any information obtained from any other website, unless approved in writing by McKean Park.

We disclaim any liability for any loss or damage caused by any person(s) relying on any information obtained from any site linked from or to the McKean Park website.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

WARNING – To minimise the risk of cyber fraud we request that you verify any email received from McKean Park containing bank account details for our trust account by calling us on telephone number (03) 8621 2888. You should not transfer funds to any third party without first obtaining verification of the correct bank account details.